In 1984 I left the cornfields of Nebraska for the beaches of Southern California. I know, tough decision. As it turns out, triathlon is a thing out here.
I went to work at Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America and there was a group of super-fit co-workers who actually did triathlon regularly. When they found out I was an okay swimmer I was recruited to a relay team.
My teammates were already seasoned triathletes even though the sport was really only six years old at that point. I really didn’t want to let my teammates down so I put a few more laps in before race day.
The race was in beautiful Mission Viejo and the swim was in the lake there. If you haven’t been there, it’s an absolutely perfect setting for a triathlon. In fact, the Olympics were held in Los Angeles in 1984 and the cycling road event was held in this exact location. Hallowed ground to be sure.
I really had no idea what to expect because this event was HUGE compared to the one I did in Iowa. This race actually had professional athletes like Scott Tinley and Greg Welch.
I was humbled in the race. My goggles fogged up (not a new occurrence for me) and I went way left on the way back. When my hand started hitting the bottom of the lake I knew I was lost. Cleared the goggles and got back on track.
My teammates didn’t seem to be upset with my performance so I guess I did okay.
The next year I did the race on my own. What really hooked me wasn’t the training or racing but the people I got to know. I joined the Orange County Triathlon Team and made some lifelong friends.
Not many of the people racing back then are still racing today, but there are still a few of us. If you have the drive and take care of your body there’s no reason you can’t do this sport well into your eighties (not that I have any interest in doing that).
Come join us. I am adding new athletes to my roster. I use the TriDot platform that assures faster times with less hours of training and fewer injuries. I’ve been using it for two years and have multiple “podiums” as a result.
Enroll in a “premium” package by 3/1/25 and you’ll also get:
- 2025 race plan.
- Video swim analysis.
- Kona training camp 10/14 – 10/21/25 (optional – air, hotel, meals extra)

Coach Ron Saetermoe
Phone: 949.795.1900